Chewing Rocks

As I sped home, I put a phrase to my feelings: chewing rocks. Gritty moodiness swirling with determination. At times, I lean more toward philosophy, spirituality, and a certain optimism. In those moments, it flows easy. Like after coffee and good sleep. Yesterday morning’s blog post. At other times, the experience is like chewing rocks.

There are so many people who view spirituality only in pastel hues. Meanwhile, the latter albums from the rock band TOOL reflect the hard-knock realities of reaching for light; struggling toward it while actually existing and functioning in this world.

My mood feels like that song “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins. One of the miracles of existence is that there can be a song which perfectly encapsulates the sound of what you feel.

The fire still burns. It morphs and changes shape at different times. There is a continual effort to use my mind to shape it into positive and motivational anger. To prevent myself from being a hater. As I said before, karma goes around equally. We bring our situations on ourselves, and this is also true of the people we are mad at.

The butterfly takes two weeks to transform, but a complex human can take much longer. Maybe two weeks in the life of a butterfly feels like a year to them.
